Marvel Comics Legend, Stan Lee, Victim of Elder Abuse and Elder Financial Abuse!

According to the police, Marvel Comics legend, Stan Lee, was a victim of elder abuse, including elder financial abuse.  I am in the process of creating a course called “Elder Financial Abuse” for my Financial Crimes suite of classes that I am trying to get domiciled at a university.  My “Elder Financial Abuse” class will provide students of financial crimes with tools, resources, and strategies to help detect, prevent, and stop financial elder abuse.

Click here for a news article on the elder abuse of Stan Lee.

Click here for more information on my “Elder Financial Abuse” Financial Crimes class.  (Note: This class is under development and is in the beginning stages of course construction.  More information, such as the syllabus, required reading, recommended reading, et cetera will be added soon!)

Retail Loss Prevention and Benefit Denial

Over the years there have been numerous physical and procedural safeguards put in place to reduce loss prevention.  Thirty-five years ago, the “ink tag” was introduced to retailers.  The concept is genius–attach a device to a garment that, if tampered with, will release and indelible ink onto the garment; thereby, ruining any benefit of stealing the garment.

Since most people who shoplift do so for personal use or the economic benefit of selling the item(s) on the street, this “benefit denial” approach has been shown to be quite effective.  These ink tags can be tied into the merchandise inventory alarm control system, so that if the thief tries to steal the garment so they can remove the ink tag elsewhere, the alarm will trigger.

Read more about the history and evolution of the ink tag at Loss Prevention Magazine here:

My Resignation from the Fairfield-Suisun Adult School

Dear Students and Colleagues,

On Friday, February 15, 2019, I resigned my teaching position at the Fairfield-Suisun Adult School.  My resignation was accepted by the Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District on Thursday, February 21, 2019.  Without going into details, I will say that this was not a decision that I took lightly.  I will miss working with my amazing students and colleagues.  I plan on teaching accounting and financial crimes at another school in the not too-distant future.  For those trying to access my teacher page, it has been disabled by the administrators.  I have migrated some of the information from my teacher page to this website.

Steve M. Windham

Financial Crimes Course (Fall 2019)

Hello Everyone!

I am updating the Financial Crimes survey course, and I am also trying to offer a new course called “Retail and Restaurant Loss Prevention.”  As I have recently resigned my teaching position at the Fairfield-Suisun Adult School, I am looking for another school where I can domicile my Financial Crimes courses.

There is also more information for the Financial Crimes Survey course here:


If you are interested in taking this course, or my new course (currently under development), “Retail and Restaurant Loss Prevention,” please contact me.


Another Northern California Restaurant Tax Crime Conviction

Yaowapha Ritdet, a restaurant owner from Ukiah, California,  was sentenced on April 26, 2017 to 24 months in prison for corruptly endeavoring to obstruct the Internal Revenue Code and harboring illegal aliens for profit.

For more, see:

San Francisco Bay Area Chinese Food Buffet Wage and Tax Law Violators Sentenced

Owners and managers of a San Francisco Bay Area Chinese restaurant chain have been convicted and sentenced to prison for violating California wage laws and failure to pay California taxes.

For more on this story, please visit: