Course Description:
This course is equivalent to an upper-division university accounting course in Management Cost Accounting. The course covers six different active learning assignments that will be completed together in an online classroom environment using Zoom.
More information coming soon.
Course Dates and Times:
Wednesdays, 6PM to 9PM, 01 September 2021 to 15 December 2021
(Tentative end date).
(Tentative end date).
Course Fee:
$75.00, payable in advance.
Course Delivery Method:
Synchronous (live) online using Zoom.
Course Delivery Method:
Synchronous (live) online using Zoom.
Course Prerequisites:
Accounting I & II (or equivalent--please inquire).
Required Textbook:

Available at:
With the successful completion of this course, students will be awarded a digital certificate. Click here for a sample digital certificate. This Certificate of Achievement can also be digitally verified via the URL at the bottom of the certificate.
To qualify for this Certificate of Achievement, the student has attended a minimum of 70% of class meetings, has attained a passing score of 70% or higher on the Final Examination, and has adhered to a Code of Conduct and Ethics.