Accounting III Update

Dear Students,

In light of the current COVID-19 crisis, it is highly likely that the Accounting III class will be postponed.  Because this is a fluid situation, it may be best not to commit to a start date just yet.

The alternative is to maintain the start date (the week of April 19, 2020), but to conduct the class online.  This would be a live class, conducted using Google Hangouts.  From speaking with many of you, it seems that the majority of you prefer in-person delivery.  A possibility is that we could start the class with online delivery, and then move to in-person delivery when people feel comfortable doing so.

I would greatly appreciate your input, so please get in touch with me and let me know your preferences.  In the meantime, stay safe!

Thank you!


Steve M. Windham
Tel/Text: 707.635.3325
Email: [email protected]